... lacrimae sanguis animae sunt ...

05 June 2007

Tuesday... work day

Well, as you must know, I'm an English teacher at UFPEL Languages Extra-Mural Courses (here called "Cursos de Extensão". That's the kind of work you don't get any money, but experience, abibility and friends.

That's an opportunity offered by the university for those academics from the 3rd term of their 10-term-graduation course who already feel comfortable to teach, and when you decide to take over a class at UFPEL extra-mural courses, facing the problems, teaching people of all ages, evaluating, you can be sure that, if you enjoy it, this will be the right career for you.

I just can tell that I'm really enjoying it. Solving problems, teaching, seeing people progress by your hands... wow! This is really worth! And this has been helping me to improve my English skills, since I have to be prepared and comfortable about the contents of each unit of the book in order to solve any students doubts.

Well, it's 09.10am, and I've gotta go. My class begins at 10am and I still have to answers any emails.
Tomorrow, the day before the national holiday, it's time to go to Pedro Osório and play some rock with good friends!! I'll never be bothered about doing this kind of "indiada". ;-)

Have a nice Tuesday!
posted by Renan C. Ferreira at 8:56:00 AM


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